The day after, the guys went to the beach at 08:00, the mechanic to stopped by around 1000, hard to say how bad, hard to say when it will be fixed, hard to say what caused it, hard to say. Not much else to do about it so I cut my finger nails, read some for the first time here, ripped out some obscolete instruments... I’m sweating profuselly but the heat is bothering me even less than when we arrived.
lundi 21 septembre 2009
10°40.89N 61°38.041W at 1400 110508
The day after, the guys went to the beach at 08:00, the mechanic to stopped by around 1000, hard to say how bad, hard to say when it will be fixed, hard to say what caused it, hard to say. Not much else to do about it so I cut my finger nails, read some for the first time here, ripped out some obscolete instruments... I’m sweating profuselly but the heat is bothering me even less than when we arrived.