lundi 21 septembre 2009

10°40.89N 61°38.041W at 2245 100508

With NAOMI all ready to sail out for our first test run, everything stowed, all but two lines off, the engine warmed up, the wind out of the SE and every one ready, I put her into reverse, there was a slight bang and then the engine ran free. It seems that we have exploded the gear box, or the coupling in between the gear box and the engine. We all froze, all this work up in smoke and in a matter of seconds (this is getting to be a tendency). We were all in shock for a few minutes. When we got our wits back, Esa convinced the Indian lady with the local snack bar to put all our perishables in her cooler for the weekend, I got Mel, the ex owner over, we called the mechanic who said he would stop by tomorrow, I finished wiring the AIS antennas, Jorgen took a nap... For the moment we don’t know anything really. Our weather window is tight, we now have a week to get out of here, before hurricane season. We are basically ready to go... We just got back from dinner and a few pina colatas. If this had happened at sea and we could still charge out batteries i would have continued. Here in a harbor it is difficult to just leave with the engine in pieces, though I am seriously tempted to get us towed out into the bay and...