Chaguaramas, Trinidad: Power Boats is an Incredible yard filled with rugged looking boats and sailors that have stepped off of circumnavigations. Most people painting there own hulls, no chi chi here. It is hotter than hell from 1000 to 1600. Jorgen and Juha are having a hard time, I’m too busy to notice the heat. We got in at around midnight after endless lines at immigration and then customs and then another customs and then tare 60 kgs of baggage apart and explain tools and kitchen stuff and drugs and a pile of wires and a pillow and.... I woke up at 04:30, rummaged around inside and then out and about at sun rise. Naomi is looking good, the hull is solid and clean, the cabin a bit worn, and lots of odds and ends to get rid of or replace..; and don’t forget the grease for the winches that are blocked and, and. Juha took the old name off the stern and put on a new adhesive NAOMI but the formal christening is in a day of two when I can find a way to kill the obsolete symbolic serpent - supposed to shoot it with a rifle, but I will have to do the deed stabbing dirty harbor water with a kitchen knife. We roamed around a locale boat store to stay in the air conditioning but I didn’t have the energy to attack my page of «need to gets» - will have to wait for another opportunity. NAOMI got clean of her white plastic covering, so I was able to untangle too many rough and dirty halyards while the guys slept away. It is now very dark, my computer screen is all we have on to save electricity, Jorgen just woke up from a nap, or rather I just loudly suggested dinner and he pulled the rag off his head.
lundi 21 septembre 2009
10°40.89N 61°38.041W at 1909 010508
Chaguaramas, Trinidad: Power Boats is an Incredible yard filled with rugged looking boats and sailors that have stepped off of circumnavigations. Most people painting there own hulls, no chi chi here. It is hotter than hell from 1000 to 1600. Jorgen and Juha are having a hard time, I’m too busy to notice the heat. We got in at around midnight after endless lines at immigration and then customs and then another customs and then tare 60 kgs of baggage apart and explain tools and kitchen stuff and drugs and a pile of wires and a pillow and.... I woke up at 04:30, rummaged around inside and then out and about at sun rise. Naomi is looking good, the hull is solid and clean, the cabin a bit worn, and lots of odds and ends to get rid of or replace..; and don’t forget the grease for the winches that are blocked and, and. Juha took the old name off the stern and put on a new adhesive NAOMI but the formal christening is in a day of two when I can find a way to kill the obsolete symbolic serpent - supposed to shoot it with a rifle, but I will have to do the deed stabbing dirty harbor water with a kitchen knife. We roamed around a locale boat store to stay in the air conditioning but I didn’t have the energy to attack my page of «need to gets» - will have to wait for another opportunity. NAOMI got clean of her white plastic covering, so I was able to untangle too many rough and dirty halyards while the guys slept away. It is now very dark, my computer screen is all we have on to save electricity, Jorgen just woke up from a nap, or rather I just loudly suggested dinner and he pulled the rag off his head.