Still in the calms, gybed to the ENE at around 1800, crossing our first cargos of the day, always at least 2 or 3 that come close, close like with CPAs of 0, 0.5, the others we barely see, strange out here in the nowhere to only see cargos in whose path one always seems to find oneself. Up till now they have almost all taken avoiding action when contacted on 16. I haven’t waited around to see if the move of their own accord. We are down to one full tank and 60 liters of diesel which I want to keep for Gibraltar so motoring is out for the time being. It is very slow going
lundi 21 septembre 2009
36°48N 14°33W at 2300 190608
Still in the calms, gybed to the ENE at around 1800, crossing our first cargos of the day, always at least 2 or 3 that come close, close like with CPAs of 0, 0.5, the others we barely see, strange out here in the nowhere to only see cargos in whose path one always seems to find oneself. Up till now they have almost all taken avoiding action when contacted on 16. I haven’t waited around to see if the move of their own accord. We are down to one full tank and 60 liters of diesel which I want to keep for Gibraltar so motoring is out for the time being. It is very slow going