Bright blue sea (very tempting for a swim), occasional small thunder storms, COG 30° SOG 7kts, Esa and I got in the way of one and had a much needed fresh water shower. Fixed a defective cabin gusher and discovered a bent genoa track - there are numerous things to fix each day. We are starting to get into an offshore organization, sleeping our 4 hours every 4, eating one prepared meal (lentils today) (some pressure cooker surprises). Our menu is determined by what keeps and what is going bad. We saw one cargo way off to the SW, otherwise we are alone. I am impatient to use up as much diesel as possible to lighten for and aft, for the moment we have piled all we can in the cabin on the starboard side. Some of us have opted for the outside hang over the side WC comfortably seated on the MOB horse shoe, the others are still using the head which is smelling like piss splattered offshore heads come to smell like. Mona, our wind vane is working overtime and doesn’t seem to mind. We were just called on deck to see dolphins !!!!