Bob Marley in the setting sun; the 135% came dirty and moody out of the bag and is now powering to windward at 6.6 kts in 16kts AWS; under cloudless skys over flat seas. Last night Esa and I shot the shit, ate a big flying fish with our fingers, finished off a bottle of Madeira, and found ourselves smack in the path of one massive and ominus cumulo nimbus. I confirmed the obvious on the radar and we made a hasty tack to starboard for the first time in a week - no time to move all the stuff over or wake up the guys - just let it fly. We got hit by 30 kts and a good soaking but avoided the brunt of the gusts as we ran back to Trinidad for half an hour. Today i spent up to my ears trying to put some order in piles of boat odds and ends - so many labeled zip locked bags i never find what i’m looking for; we got a 80 cm dorade up to the boat before it got away and just fabricated a fishing net with a plastic pipe and vegetable hamack. Esa is doing pancakes for dinner??? the ballons are out and we are having Léda’s bithday party!!! Now its Taj and its about time I check out Jorgen on deck.