Sunday morning, we swung the transmission on board and down into the cabin with halyards yesterday, positioning the engine with blocks from the deck and maneuvered the engine and transmission together. We went out looking for a replacement for the bent engine mount last night but came up with a corroded monster that we weren’t able to clean up. For the moment we are surrounded by tools and a partly assembled Perkins.... life goes on. No wind this morning so we brought the main up and marked it’s halyard for the reefs. Some seems to have stolen our trusty dock mat that served also for our yoga mat, or maybe it just flew away. Jorgen has read about 46 trash detective novels and might have to go cold turkey soon - finish, russian, norwegian and french are the choice of recycled books in the laundry room. The Boat Doctor never showed today - testing us. So we brought up the main and marked the reef points, did some more rewiring, cleaned the deck... threw out some more rotting food from the now warm fridge. If this keeps on I might even start reading and thinking I’m on vacation.