Rough day against the wind, mile by mile tacking NE, the wind always seems to be against us... At 0900 we exploded our big genoa split right across the middle, shredded around the forstay, gymnastics to get it off and the 95% up for the first time since off St Vincent. When you live night and day with a sail, when the sail is a principle part of getting us across all this water, well it is heavy to watch it disintegrate before your eyes. Now beating with less power, having to fine tune to get the speed we need to not get stopped by the waves. We are motoring out around Gabo de Palos, counting the liters of diesel we have left, hoping for favorable winds beyond. The coast is rugged, a great change after the lago like tourist constructions on the southern coast. The seas are mostly empty other than the cargos and a rare sail boat - very rare. 400M to go!!!
lundi 21 septembre 2009
37°31N 01°03W at 1900 260608
Rough day against the wind, mile by mile tacking NE, the wind always seems to be against us... At 0900 we exploded our big genoa split right across the middle, shredded around the forstay, gymnastics to get it off and the 95% up for the first time since off St Vincent. When you live night and day with a sail, when the sail is a principle part of getting us across all this water, well it is heavy to watch it disintegrate before your eyes. Now beating with less power, having to fine tune to get the speed we need to not get stopped by the waves. We are motoring out around Gabo de Palos, counting the liters of diesel we have left, hoping for favorable winds beyond. The coast is rugged, a great change after the lago like tourist constructions on the southern coast. The seas are mostly empty other than the cargos and a rare sail boat - very rare. 400M to go!!!