lundi 21 septembre 2009
36°48N 13°40W at 1100 200608
At 0100 last night we were circled by what we think was a fin whale about 20 meters long. It came to within 10 meters of Naomi on all sides, came at us and dived under surfacing on the other side... Esa and I were both terrified and amazed at the same time. He wanted to hang out and commun with nature, but i insisted we put the engine on and incite it to go and play tag with some other boat. it didn’t seem agressive but one false flick of its tail and we would have been history... We are still in the calms, with 390M to the mouth of the straits, counting liters of diesel, eggs and otherwise have a good time. The general vibe on board seems even better than normal - we are together in our frustration but the calms have given time to breathe, talk, do otherwise than sail. Cargo traffic is increasing, I’m up 3 times a night and often in the day to check out CPAs and call in to ask for avoiding action - Naomi is very small out here! xxxxxp